Company : Infrabel

Contact :

 Buys Gunther
 gunther.buys at infrabel.be
 +32 (0)2 432 29 06

Company’s website : www.infrabel.be/en

Level crossings’ website : https://www.infrabel.be/en/about/safety/preventing-accidents-level-crossings

National campaign website : https://www.infrabel.be/fr/jeanpierrebarriere

Youtube : www.youtube.com/c/Infrabel

Facebook : www.facebook.com/Infrabel

Twitter: www.twitter.com/Infrabel

Contacts at Press/Communication:

Op de Beeck Juny / 32477825838 / juny.opdebeeck at infrabel.be

Arnaud Reymann / 32477424324 / arnaud.reymann at infrabel.be

 Total number of LC in 2016 : 1751
 Total number of LC in 2017 : 1737
 Total number of LC in 2018 : 1713

 Total number of accidents in 2016 : 45
 Total number of accidents in 2017 : 51
 Total number of accidents in 2018 : 38

 Total number of fatalities in 2016 : 4
 Total number of fatalities in 2017 : 9
 Total number of fatalities in 2018 : 9

Total number of collisions with motorized vehicles 29
of which trucks 8
of which buses/coaches 0
of which other professional vehicles 5
of which passenger cars 14
of which two-wheel motorized vehicles 2
Total number of pedestrians hit at LC* 9

 Total length of lines (km) : 3 607

 Total number of train km/year (millions) : 101,550 tr-km /year

*Active level crossing
Level crossing where the crossing users are protected from or warned of the approaching train by the activation of devices when it is unsafe for the user to traverse the crossing.
*Passive level crossing
Level crossing without any form of warning system and/or protection activated when it is unsafe for the user to traverse the crossing. *Pedestrian hit at LC
Including mechanical and electrical bicycles and other alternative mobility vehicles

Use of virtual reality to aware young level crossing users

Crash simulation of a car hit by a train on a level crossing: https://www.rtbf.be/info/societe/detail_une-collision-entre-un-train-et-une-voiture-tue-trois-mannequins-pour-un-crashtest?id=9942853

The whole campaign https://www.infrabel.be/fr/crashtest
Press release: https://www.infrabel.be/fr/presse/pere-ses-2-enfants-decedes-leur-vehicule-lors-collision-a-passage-a-niveau

Statistics 2019


 Facebook: www.facebook.com/spoorveiligheid & www.facebook.com/securiteferroviaire

o FR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vATNTMlJAGk
o NL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hi2h5dRWxsE

on level crossing safety on Infrabel website
