manon.herail at
– + 33 1 53 94 31 38
Total number of LX in 2009: 18459
Total number of LX in 2010: 18364
Accidents in 2007: 115
Accidents in 2008: 115
Accidents in 2009: 126
Accidents in 2010: 110
Fatalities in 2007: 38
Fatalities in 2008: 38
Fatalities in 2009: 36
Fatalities in 2010: 25
Awareness measures
Thierry Mariani pour plus de sécurité aux passages à niveaux - telegrenoble
National campaign: ""Au passage à niveau, protégeons nos vies" addressing the public and targeting the very risky behaviors. Advertising with posters, radio and internet messages.
Dedicated website with a new look
Use of the EU/ILCAD video on internet
Link to the ILCAD dedicated website
National press conference with the French State Secretary of transport, Thierry Mariani and RFF CEO Mr. Hubert du Mesnil on 9 June at a LX in the Parisian suburbs.
RFF will focus the June campaign on 12 particular LX: some banners with the message “Au Passage à niveau, protégeons nos vies” will be installed at these 12 LX to inform the road users and pedestrians on the campaign. A quiz will be organise to remind people about the safety rules to respect at LX. Some stickers will be stickers on the cars or motorbikes for their owners who have been previously informed. The media will be invited to participate.
– Sécurité routière (national road safety organisation)
– Prévention routière(traffic control association)
– Ministère de l’écologie, énergie, du développement durable et de l’aménagement du territoire