DB Netz AG
Tobias Dietzen

Contacts at Press/Communication:

  • Claudia Münchow
  • Martine Pfeifer
Statistics 2021 DB

Total number of LX in 2018: 16391
Total number of LX in 2019: 16268
Total number of LX in 2020: 16 098

for information 17318 LX at DB AG in 2010/17 356 LX in 2009)

Accidents in 2018: 146
Accidents in 2019: 175
Accidents in 2020: 114

Fatalities in 2018: 34
Fatalities in 2019: 34
Fatalities in 2020: 25

Total length of lines (km) : 33401
Total number of train km/year (thousands) : 1109

Awareness measures