Foldhazigy at mav.hu
+36 30 241 3504
Houchardg at mav.hu

Total number of LX : 5819

Accidents in 2007: 90
Accidents in 2008: 94
Accidents in 2009: 84

Fatalities in 2007: 21
Fatalities in 2008: 37
Fatalities in 2009: 29

Awareness measures
 Press release
 Link to ILCAD website
 The ILCAD video is intended to broadcast by means of the following channels : - Official website of the Hungarian Railways MÁV (www.mav.hu)

Partner websites:
National Transport Authority
Hungarian Police
Hungarian AutoClub MTV and/or RTL Hungary TV channels (under negotiations),
 Other campaign segments: _press conference, microsite, radio and TV spots, magazines.

 MAV (Hungarian Railways)