Company : Israel railways

Contact :

  • Athar Haskia
  • atharh@rail.co.il
  • +972525776096

Company’s website : www.rail.co.il

Level crossings’ website : /

National campaign website : /

Youtube : /

Facebook : www.facebook.com/irail

Twitter: /

Contacts at Press/Communication:

Israel Tal Saranga/+972506187999/ISRAELT@RAIL.CO.IL

Total length of lines (km): 1581,42
Total number of train-kilometres (millions): 14 441 797

Total number of LC in 2019: 68
Total number of LC in 2020: 62
Total number of LC in 2021: 61

Total number of accidents in 2019: 1
Total number of accidents in 2020: 1
Total number of accidents in 2021: 1

Total number of fatalities in 2019: 0
Total number of fatalities in 2020: 0
Total number of fatalities in 2021: 0

Awareness measures

"1.Radio Broadcasts ( in hebrew and arabic)
2.awareness campign promoted in the social media (facebook and instegram)
3.promoting field activities in level crossings and installing awareness signage"

The main messege of the campaign this year will be regarding level crossing electrification