Company : LDZ ( Latvijas dzelzceļš )

Contact :

 Voldina Sandra
 sandra.voldina at ldz.lv

Company’s website : https://www.ldz.lv/

Level crossings’ website :http://www.dzirdiredzidzivo.lv/

National campaign website : http://www.dzirdiredzidzivo.lv/

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/user/Latvijasdzelzcels

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/LatvijasDzelzcels/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/vas_ldz

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/latvijas_dzelzcels/

Contacts at Press/Communication:

Ella Pētermane / +67233797 / ella.petermane at ldz.lv

Ieva Kārkliņa / +67233016 / ieva.karklina at ldz.lv

Statistics 2019


 Total number of LC in 2016 : 935
 Total number of LC in 2017 : 935
 Total number of LC in 2018 : 831

 Total number of accidents in 2016 : 8
 Total number of accidents in 2017 : 15
 Total number of accidents in 2018 : 10

 Total number of fatalities in 2016 : 3
 Total number of fatalities in 2017 : 6
 Total number of fatalities in 2018 : 7

Total number of collisions with motorized vehicles 1
of which trucks 0
of which buses/coaches 0
of which other professional vehicles 0
of which passenger cars 1
of which two-wheel motorized vehicles 0
Total number of pedestrians hit at LC* 9

 Total length of lines (km) : 1 860

 Total number of train km/year (millions) : 15 665 km/year

List of partners

Mostly local partners: Latvian State Police, the only passenger-carrying railway company in Latvia “Pasažieru vilciens”, Ministry of Education and Science, local schools, Road traffic safety directorate (CSDD), State Emergency Medical Service.

Awareness measures

This year safety campaign will be announced at 6th of June with public activities, media event and new temporary road signs. In order to make it as easy as possible for the people to be safe at the railway, Latvijas dzelzceļš (LDz) is presenting an attractive song, potentially teaching behavioural rules near the railway. During the 6th of June our special promo team “Railway Patrol” will capture the behaviour of pedestrians near the most active crossing spots and make a dialog with those who do not follow the rules and give them postcards with song (verse) of the campaign.The main idea of the media event is discuss that it is so easy to be safe near the railway. Doctor, resuscitator, State Emergency Medical Service, person who survived, celebrities will join the event and during media event the song of the campaign will be presented. This year safety campaign idea is one clear railway safety instruction, which would help to cross the railway in any situation.

Other comments

Although the overall situation is improving, in 2019 LDZ continues to highlight several major challenges regarding safety issues: the increasing usage of mobile devices, headphones, careless driving, not respecting railroad crossing rules. The strategic concept for the 2019 safety campaigns includes an universal instruction, that will help to remember the general rules applied when crossing railway and remind about life-threatening situations that may arise.

*Active level crossing
Level crossing where the crossing users are protected from or warned of the approaching train by the activation of devices when it is unsafe for the user to traverse the crossing.
*Passive level crossing
Level crossing without any form of warning system and/or protection activated when it is unsafe for the user to traverse the crossing. *Pedestrian hit at LC
Including mechanical and electrical bicycles and other alternative mobility vehicles

Past campaigns
On 10 June 2016 at the Latvian Railway History Museum there was a free exhibition for seniors and an international conference. Specialists from Riga’ Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital examined 250 seniors plus participants of the conference.

On the level crossing in Riga a demonstration of the collision between a train and a “human being” – a mannequin (weight: 80 kg, height: 1.85 cm) filled with a red filling – took place during the press conference https://vimeo.com/43595845

vilciens cilveks from Atruma Cilts on Vimeo.

  • Latvian Railways video:
  • Latvian Railways video: