Company : ProRail

Contact : Monique Voorderhake

Company’s website : www.prorail.nl

Youtube : www.youtube.com/prorail

Facebook : www.facebook.com/prorail

Twitter: www.twitter.com/prorail

Contacts at Press/Communication:

  • Tatiana Pijnenburg

Total length of lines (km) in 2022: 7023
Total number of train-kilometres (millions) in 2022: 157

Total number of LC in 2019: 2 420
Total number of LC in 2020: 2370
Total number of LC in 2021: 2299
Total number of LC in 2022: 2252

Total number of accidents in 2019: 43
Total number of accidents in 2020: 25
Total number of accidents in 2021: 32
Total number of accidents in 2022: 26

Total number of fatalities in 2019: 9
Total number of fatalities in 2020: 5
Total number of fatalities in 2021: 9
Total number of fatalities in 2022: 2

Partners :

Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water management, Goudappel, CQM, ProRail

Awareness measures

During ILCAD, our Ministry will present the updated Dutch Level Crossing Risk Model (NORM). In the same month we will present NORM at all to all stakeholders.

