
 Company’s name : REFER
 E-mail address : scabrantes at refer.pt
 Telephone number : +351 211022482
 Contact names and coordinates of the Press/Communication person(s) in my company : Susana Abrantes scabrantes at refer.pt
 Technical coordination: Paulo Melo pmelo at refer.pt

 Address of company’s website: http://www.refer.pt
 Address of dedicated level crossings’ website : http://www.refer.pt/passagensdenivel/
 Address of dedicated national ILCAD campaign website : http://www.refer.pt/passagensdenivel/
 Address of company’s dedicated facebook page :https://www.facebook.com/segurancaempn

 Total number of LC in 2008 : 1229
 Total number of LC in 2009 : 1191
 Total number of LC in 2010 : 1107
 Total number of LC in 2011 : 1049
 Total number of LC in 2012 : 877
 Total number of LC in 2013 : 870

 Total number of accidents in 2008 : 55
 Total number of accidents in 2009 : 49
 Total number of accidents in 2010 : 38
 Total number of accidents in 2011 : 25
 Total number of accidents in 2012 : 25
 Total number of accidents in 2013 : 27

 Total number of fatalities in 2008 : 17
 Total number of fatalities in 2009 : 17
 Total number of fatalities in 2010 : 11
 Total number of fatalities in 2011 : 4
 Total number of fatalities in 2012 : 8
 Total number of fatalities in 2013 : 10

 Total length of lines (km) : 2541

 Total number of train km/year (thousands) : 601678

Awareness measures :

  • Flyers distribution in footpath LX’s
  • Press release
  • National drawing contest on level crossing safety
  • Use of the ILCAD/EU Video 2010 “Just in time” on Internet
  • Use of ILCAD posters
  • Use the 2014 film made in collaboration between UIC/UNECE and the Swiss Federal Ministry of Transport
  • In 2013 the number of level crossings with active protection outpacing the unprotected level crossings


