
  • National Railway Company ,,CFR’’ S.A.
  • Irina Ciubotaru
  • irina.ciubotaru at cfr.ro
  • Telephone number : 40 21 319 24 73
  • Contact names and coordinates of the Press/Communication person(s) in my company : Branzan Oana
  • Telephone number : 40 21 317 74 38
  • oana.branzan at cfr.ro
  • Address of company’s website : http://www.cfr.ro/

Total number of LX in 2007:
Total number of LX in 2008:
Total number of LX in 2009: 5181
Total number of LX in 2010: 5181
Total number of LX in 2011: 5117
Total number of LC in 2012 : 5117
Total number of LC in 2013 : 5117

Accidents in 2007: 121
Accidents in 2008: 219
Accidents in 2009: 145
Accidents in 2010: 168
Accidents in 2011: 130
Accidents in 2012 : 77
Accidents in 2013 : data not available

Number of collisions with commercial vehicles (buses, trucks, taxis) in
2013 : 15

Fatalities in 2010: 34
Fatalities in 2011: 18
Fatalities in 2012 : 37
Fatalities in 2013 : data not available
Fatalities due to collisions with commercial vehicles in 2013 : 8

  • Total length of lines (km) : 10 777
  • Total number of train km/year (thousands) : 79,277.582 in 2013

List of partners involved in our 2014 campaign :

  • Police Transport Department
  • Road Traffic Police

List of awareness measures in our country on 3 June 2014 :

Use of ILCAD press release

  • Use of the 2014 film made in collaboration between UIC/UNECE and the Swiss Federal Ministry of Transport
  • CFR S.A. is carring out a process of tender evaluation for the project ’’Improving the traffic safety on the Romanian railways through the modernization of railway level crossings’’.