Company : Slovenske železnice - Infrastruktura

Contact :

 Marko Kosmač
 marko.kosmac at slo-zeleznice.si
 +386 41 317 322

Company’s website : www.slo-zeleznice.si

Level crossings’ website : http://www.slo-zeleznice.si/sl/infrastruktura/javna-zelezniska-infrastruktura/nivojski-prehodi?highlight=WyJuaXZvanNraSIsInByZWhvZGkiLCJuaXZvanNraSBwcmVob2RpIl0=

National campaign website : /

Youtube : /

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/grem.z.vlakom

Twitter: https://twitter.com/slozeleznice

Contacts at Press/Communication: /

Statistics 2019 :

 Total number of LX in 2007: 944
 Total number of LX in 2008: 932
 Total number of LX in 2009: 913
 Total number of LX in 2010: 888
 Total number of LX in 2011: 841
 Total number of LX in 2012: 838
 Total number of LX in 2013: 832
 Total number of LC in 2016: 756
 Total number of LC in 2017: 745
 Total number of LC in 2018: 735

 Total number of accidents in 2007: 32
 Total number of accidents in 2008: 42
 Total number of accidents in 2009: 29
 Total number of accidents in 2010: 28
 Total number of accidents in 2011: 23
 Total number of accidents in 2012: 32
 Total number of accidents in 2013: 24
 Total number of accidents in 2016: 21
 Total number of accidents in 2017: 11
 Total number of accidents in 2018: 28

 Total number of fatalities in 2007: 10
 Total number of fatalities in 2008: 4
 Total number of fatalities in 2009: 7
 Total number of fatalities in 2010: 10
 Total number of fatalities in 2011: 2
 Total number of fatalities in 2012: 4
 Total number of fatalities in 2013: 5
 Total number of fatalities in 2016: 4
 Total number of fatalities in 2017: 5
 Total number of fatalities in 2018: 1

Total number of collisions with motorized vehicles 24
of which trucks 3
of which buses/coaches 0
of which other professional vehicles 4
of which passenger cars 17
of which two-wheel motorized vehicles 0
Total number of pedestrians hit at LC* 2

 Total length of lines (km) : 1.207

 Total number of train km/year (millions) : 20 484

List of partners

The campaign is carried out at the end of February every year by the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency in cooperation with the infrastructure manager SŽ-Infrastruktura, d.o.o.

Awareness mesures

Awareness-raising measures involve media broadcasting of various recordings on this topic (short videos on TV, voice recordings on radio), as well as dissemination of folded leaflets at schools and other institutions and setting up posters at high-profile places. This is arranged by the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency.