Marine Ramsby
Marine.ramsby at trafikverket.se
+ 46 (0)768 193403
Bodil Sonesson
bodil.sonesson at trafikverket.se
+ 46 70 283 99 05

Total number of LX: 8000

Accidents in 2007: 30
Accidents in 2008: 30
Accidents in 2009: 30

Fatalities in 2007: 5
Fatalities in 2008: 5
Fatalities in 2009: 5

Awareness measures
 3 LX will be covered by 4-7 people
 Simple folder to handout (with ILCAD slogan in English and Swedish + ILCAD logo) to everyone passing, leaflets, candies, soft drinks... experience from previous campaigns re-used
 National press release in Swedish + English
 Campaign part of a broader road/rail safety week
 Internal surveys to measure effectiveness of the message
 Use of the EU/ILCAD video on internet
 Link to the ILCAD website

 Swedish Transport Administration
