 BAV (Federal Office of Transport
/Office Fédéral des Transports)
 Tobias Schaller -+ 41 (0)31 322 57 65
 E-mail address : tobias.schaller at bav.admin.ch
 Tel number: +41 (0)58 462 54 86
 Contact names and coordinates (tel, email address) of the Press/Communication person(s): Gregor Saladin ;
 E-mail address : presse at bav.admin.ch
 Tel number: +41 (0)58 462 57 11
 Address of company’s website : http://www.bav.admin.ch Weblink to our dedicated level crossings’ website :
 Weblink to our dedicated national campaign website : n.e.
 Weblink of our company’s dedicated facebook page : n.e.
 Weblink to our company’s dedicated twitter page : n.e Weblink to our company’s videos website (youtube, viameo...) :

PUBLICATION: http://www.swissinfo.ch/fre/nouvelles_agence/international/Passages_a_niveau:_delai_supplementaire_prevu_pour_lassainissement.html?cid=38660454

  • Total number of LC in 2010 : 5358
  • Total number of LC in 2011 : 5209
  • Total number of LC in 2012 : 5033
  • Total number of LC in 2013 : 4848
  • Total number of accidents in 2010 : 199
  • Total number of accidents in 2011 : 170
  • Total number of accidents in 2012 : 194
  • Total number of accidents in 2013 : 207
  • Total number of fatalities in 2010 : 2
  • Total number of fatalities in 2011 : 3
  • Total number of fatalities in 2012 : 6
  • Total number of fatalities in 2013 : 6
  • Total length of lines (km) : 5251 km
  • Total number of train km/year (thousands) : 214’300

List of partners

  • Road authorities and railway entreprises

List of awareness measures foreseen in our country on 3 June 2014 :

  • Our company will use the 2014 film made in collaboration between UIC/UNECE and our Ministry

Videos and photographs

BAV Videos 2009:
